DocuSign Clickwrap Test Page

This page enables you to test your Clickwrap agreement without configuring a webserver.

Creating a Clickwrap agreement

  1. Log into DocuSign, click Manage at the top of the screen.
  2. Click Clickwraps at the top of the screen
  3. Create a clickwrap agreement
  4. Click the Get Code button on the right side to open the code window.
  5. Copy the settings from the code window to the form below.

Complete this form using the settings from the “Code” window of your clickwrap

Note: Each user (ClientUser ID) only sees a clickwrap once.
Change this value to see the clickwrap again:

Required: An ID to identify this signer. Names, numbers and punctionation are ok.


Required: Enter just the hostname of the environment.
Required: Your Account ID in the long, guid format
Required: Your Clickwrap ID

Tip! you can save this form's url for later use:

Source files